Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Friday evening Shenanigans!

Friday night was a mandatory meeting for the Lake Placid Snail Pail team. Which means, lets get drunk and harass each other and watch Ben hit on every chick he sees. Here are SOME of the highlights.

  • No less then 10 minutes after we arrive at Ake's, Ben siddling up to 3 girls, asking them if they "liked mustaches"
  • Ben - I see a theme here, hanging out with a 280 lb beaut...260 of these were cleavage related.
  • Snowballs...being thrown at and by everyone, including me.
  • Taxi ride - First, Rassel gets us thrown out of one cab for bitching about the price., Secondly, we end up with the most psychotic cabbie ive ever met, doing 360's on Pearl St, stopping cars to ask if they want to sell them, passing cars in the snow, running red lights, etc. etc........
Overall, a good start to the preparation for LP 2008....GO SNAILS.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think the nuttiest part was the "etc, etc" part. I am still partially blinded by what I saw.. anyone selling an outback here, how bout for trade?