Monday, January 5, 2009

2009 - The Blastoff is Back!!

Alright folks - time to ramp this thing back up! Hopefully both people that read this raggedy blog had a great holiday. Ive been slacking, it was a wild 2008, some ups, some downs, lots of changes that is for sure. Anyhow, its 2009. And the Rocket has some resolutions that he may need some help keeping to. So without further adieu. Here are some changes and resolutions I am really going to attempt to keep to this year!

1) SAVE MONEY! - I am absolutely horrible with money, and no that doesn't mean I will give this for you all to hold, but I will be a much cheaper bastard this year. Using credit cards to buy golf tees is getting old. Any money I win playing poker will also be put aside for vacation, more poker, etc..
2) EXERCISE MORE - Yes I skate one to two times a week in the winter, and golf almost every day in the summer, but my fat ass needs to get out and run more, rollerblade more. I won't be joining a gym anytime soon (screw that) but if anyone wants to invite me to a hockey skate, a rollerblade, or a run, Ill likely join you!
3) EAT BETTER - Pizza and french fries at the IBM cafeteria every day is getting old, not to mention that is part of #1. Does this mean Ill spend less time eating Pour House wings?? Probably, but I need to be healthier, so folks don't act surprised if when asked to go get fried pickles at Hooters and I decline. Its a health thing yo.
4) READ MORE - Whether its about how to play pocket 8's in the big blind, or on the whereabouts of Whitey Bulger, or on some new equipment that I have to work on, I will spend more time learning things that are not on ESPN or MTV.
5) DRINK LESS BEER! - UGH, this will the tough one. I am going to do this in baby steps. My GOAL, is to go boozeless Monday thru Thursday. This means no beer on poker night too. Last year I tried this, lasted 2 days since Im sure I got pissed at something and went tilt. Anyhow. This goes alone with resolutions 1 and 3, so this should be followed. If im exercising more, and saving money, then hey, beer shouldn't get in the way right? I will most likely need the most help with this. Beer tends to make most things better for me, but I am going to give this a shot.
6) PRACTICE GOLF - We talking about practice man? Thats right, practice, not a game, not a game...Practice! Instead of rushing to the first tee and whacking away. I pledge to at least hit a few, chip a few, and /or putt a few before every round this year. A 10.5 GHIN index is not acceptable as much as I play, so I will spend more time this year working on the weaknesses on the range instead of trying to figure it out on the course. The goal is to be a steady single digit handicap by mid summer.

Well there is the first run at the blog for 2009. I will be blogging more regularly then late last year. With moving, new girlfriend, being busy at work, plus all the other demands of life took me away from this. But I will no longer let this go...folks, PLEASE feel free to add comments, suggestions, and I will absolutely run with them!

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