Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is anyone hiring part time?

I need a second job. Dick's never called back. I have applied to Costco, Lowe's, the Burlington CC, among others. No one has called back. I have a decent resume. 15 years experience in the work force. Does anyone know someone hiring part time, couple nights a week or weekends???

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Finally ---im under a 10.0 GHIN!

So - it only took me 3.5 years to get my handicap back under 10.0, but today when the numbers updated I was a 9.4. My new motto of keeping it in play and letting the short game take over is finally paying off. Now that the short term goal is in tact, the long term is now to sustain the single digit handicap. I must make more putts, get better with the chipping and avoid double/triple bogeys. Time to take this game to the next level and compete with the big boys.