Those people above..well two of them lost last night. The moron on the right didn't play. Anyhow, 2 second place finishes. First game was similar to last week in the sense that I missed first by 200, when I got the win by 200 the week before. Several small and middle pair that I pushed real hard. Second game, as usual, gets a little crazy. We had a great knew saying "sending smoke singles". I had a good laugh when I was told that smoke singles lead to ammonia. Ammonia comes from last week also when it was mentioned someone was in the hospital with ammonia. Stuff is bad for you I swear. Regardless, one major suck out with A9, against QJ boosted me to the chance to win, however I had just enough chips in the end to take second. Another fun night as usual. Here is the standings.
Game 1 1st Game 1 2nd Game 2 1st Game 2 2nd
Week 1 Janet Dion Bob Wells Bob Wells Sue
Week 2 Dan Brooks Rick F Rick F Dan B
Week 3 Dan Brooks Jan Linda Jim G
Week 4 Dan Brooks Rick F Bob Wells Linda
Week 5 Mary B Jan Bob Wells Mary B
Week 6 Mary B Dan B/Glenn Mary B Jan
Week 7 Dan Brooks Howard Glenn Jim Brown
Week 8 Glenn Howard Mary B Dan B
Week 9 Sue Jan Howard Glenn
Week 10 Dan Brooks Lacey Dan Brooks Rick F
Week 11 Howard Rick F Dan Brooks Don P
Week 12 Don P Linda Jim G Howard
Week 13 Glenn Jan Mary B Jan
Week 14 Howard Jan Glenn Jan
Week 15 Rick F Jan Mary B Sue
Week 16 Rick F Sue Rick F Sue
Week 17 Jan Don P Glenn Rick F
Week 18 Glenn Rick F Dan Brooks Mary B
Week 19 Mary B Dan B Dan Brooks Mary B
Week 20 Dan B Don P Danny Linda
Week 21 Diane Don P Rick F Dan B
Week 22 Dan B Rick F Glenn Rick F
Total Cashes 1st 2nd
Dan B 16 11 5
Rick F 13 5 8
Mary B 10 7 3
Jan 10 1 9
Glenn 9 7 2
Howard 7 4 3
Don P 6 2 4
Sue 5 1 4
Linda 4 1 3
Bob W 4 3 1
Jim G 2 1 1
Lacey 1 0 1
Jim B 1 0 1
Janet 1 1 0
Diane 1 1 0
Danny 1 1 0
Rick R 0 0 0